Bid Process
MHA procures a wide range of goods and services from supplies to construction materials to professional service contracts. We are committed to the purchase of all goods and services at the best value within an environment of fair and open competition.
For items between $500 and $100,000, MHA secures written or oral bids from at least three vendors. Written records of all bids are maintained.
MHA solicits formal bids by public advertisement for purchases and contracts exceeding $100,000. The Authority may also purchase without competitive bidding from State contracts or General Services Association price lists.
Requests for Proposals and invitations to bid in excess of $100,000 are advertised in the legal section of The Telegraph and in at least one of Macon’s minority newspapers.
Formal Bid Process
The Bid Documents describe in detail what MHA wants to procure. For very large or complicated items, such as construction of major projects handled by the Authority’s architectural or engineering firms, the bid document explains how to obtain a set of plans or where they are available for review. Typically, a pre-bid conference is held to explain the bid notice and to address any questions regarding the bid. The date, time, and location of the pre-bid conference are included in the Bid Documents.
Bid Submission: Bids should be carefully reviewed prior to submission to ensure that all requested attachments, certifications, bonds, and such called for in the Bid Documents are included. Enter dollar amounts accurately and complete all sections. Do not change any specifications or attach conditions to your bid. Be sure to include all required signatures.
The entire Bid Document must be returned to MHA before the stated bid opening time and date. Bids mailed remain sealed and kept in a safe until bid opening. Bidders may bring the completed document to the bid opening, but must turn it in prior to the time scheduled for the opening. The outside of the envelope should list items being bid. Bids turned in after the deadline will be disqualified.
Bid Opening: Sealed bids will be publicly opened and read at the time and place stated in the Bid Document. Each bidder’s name and the total amount of each bid will be announced. Anyone may attend a bid opening, but it is not necessary to attend the bid opening to be awarded a contract. The name of the low bidder can be obtained by calling the Technical Services Director at 478-752-5047 for major construction contracts, or the Inventory/Control Specialist at 478-752-5041 for routine maintenance procurement.
Bid Evaluation: Low bidders are evaluated by MHA to verify whether the low bidder is responsible and capable of completing the contract. The bid will be examined for “responsiveness”, meaning that the contractor has properly responded to all requirements. We check all references on substantial contracts.
Right to Reject: We reserve the right to reject any or all bids on a product or service if this would be in the best interest of MHA. This doesn’t happen often, but is necessary in rare cases when a bidder is on a federal debarred contractor list, lacks required licenses or qualifications, is bankrupt, has no or poor experience in the work, or similar serious reasons. If the low bidder is rejected during the evaluation process, then the next low bidder will be evaluated. In most cases where MHA rejects all bids on a product or service, new bids will be requested from qualified bidders.
Bidder Notification and Contract Award: MHA notifies the successful bidder and explains any other requirements. When all details are complete, the contract may be referred for execution. The method and terms of payment will be stated in the contract.
Brand Items: If the item description stated in the Bid Document includes a brand name and/or product model, MHA will consider an alternate brand if it is determined to be equal in quality and performance to the product named. Substitution is subject to MHA approval. Specific requirements for substitutions, if any, will be included in the Bid Document.